Wednesday 27 May 2009

Electrics Are Jinxed?!

Tee hee, not only has our computer gone, but so has my SIL's next-door that I often use and now our tv has burnt out! (The girls are particularly distraught about this as we just nabbed the parents' DVD player and they have been SO enjoying Balamory! Me too! Love the views , the accents and it reminds me of Thursday afternoons at Esther's house!)

Oh, for those who are interested....have just booked our return tickets for 27 July 2009! How exciting! The countdown really is on!

We are squatting on my nephew's laptop, watching Roland Garros and savouring a ti punch, umm! It is a Bank Holiday (fourth in as many weeks...), this time for the Abolition of Slavery.

Hopefully I will pop in on a computer again in the next few weeks!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Gone Again

And now the computer is more or less a write-off after catching a virus.... (swine flu perhaps?!)

Just under three months till we set off back home, as you can imagine I have started my countdown and begun my lists of things to do, things to take, places to visit etc etc. As you can also imagine, Bertie isn't giving it the slightest thought!

Another strike tomorrow...hold your breath!