Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Going Going....Gone From Gwada

Well our year has come to an end, sniff! Our final three days were quite manic, getting the packing done, the flat emptied and cleaned, the car cleaned etc.

Due to waiting for Mamie's boxes to be packed, we were an hour off schedule on Monday for our checking in and trip to the beach, so we missed the farewell lunch that we hadn't realised was happening for us!! However, it was lovely to be checked in nice and early, comfortable in the knowledge that we were within our kilos and that nothing more could be slipped in our bags.

Then we made a final trip tp Ste Anne, where is POURED and the wind BLEW! We could have been on a UK beach! That made the transition back home much easier! As you all know, the best place to be when it rains the sea! It did feel like hail was hitting us though. Just a short dip before we headed back home for more cleaning and preparation. And just in case you are wondering, people still managed to slide a few more things in my hand luggage!

If I am foolish enough to move again, remind me that it will take at least twice as long as I estimate, so I shall start well in advance! It would have been nice to have had more time to sit chatting with people rather than rushing around. I am not even sure that Bertie had time to cry, but his parents very kindly said how much they had enjoyed having us and both specified that they liked me very much, which was sweet of them.

However, we made it to our plane on time and were whizzed through security thanks to all these children. The girls were hyper, bouncing around the place in their excitement at going on the plane. We didn't get a baby cot so JoJo slept on me all the way back, which meant I didn't sleep very much at all. I was thankful for my ipod, and for everyone else sleeping!

Apart from a bump on takeoff and various bits of turbulence, the flight was fine, the meal edible. After an hour of waiting for our 8 suitcases (I was waiting for someone to ask, are you moving or something?!) we were met by Patrice and Richard, who then took an hour of wandering around the various Orly car parks to find their cars!! The girls and I fell fast asleep on the way home.

It was so nice to step into the fresh air and enjoy the different climate, and to see the beautiful scenery, to play out in the garden without being burnt by the sun, to pick fresh strawberries, to have a long summer's evening, to see the bees buzzing around my sister-in-law's lavendar bush...Ah, it is good to be back in France! The guest room has also been done up and is beautiful, with a top bunk for the girls and a bouquet as the perfect finishing touch.

We popped off to the shop this evening and almost collapsed at how cheap everything was. Bertie and I both got a bunch of grapes and they are both nearly finished, yum yum!

We all slept this afternoon so it was awfully hard getting the kids to bed before midnight (!) but they are finally there and we shall head off now. Oh, and we had a lovely anniversary meal with the family, thanks to Bertie's sister. 8 years, hurrah!


Mum said...

Have you been planning that title for several months?
Sorry it was so miserable at Ste Anne's - thankfully we have lovely photos and memories. And on a British beach you'll be saying 'it was worse than this at Ste Anne's!'
I had a good chuckle at you two collapsing all over the shop looking at the prices!
its better to rush at the end - saves you thinking about whats worth saying.Love to FL,P, V&J.Also S& C, B,D,&J - as well as all of you.

Anonymous said...

Awww, i think i'll do some crying 4 bertie - i'm welling up here!! How lovely of mamie & papie to say they like you ~smile~ i'm guessing that the year was a wonderful and worthwhile experience despite the challenges of relentless sun, sea, sand, and a strike or two!!?! Look forward to a loooong chat b4 2long!! Jd was very excited when i told him u'd be coming back on the plane, he said he'd look out of the window and see your plane land in our garden!!! :-o
We're off on a youth camp on Sat for a week - so hoping the rain subsides a bit! Lots of love to u all and 2 bertie's family in france... Yve x

Hevs said...

Tee hee, that title has been on the top of all my to do lists for the past month!
Hope you get sme of the lovely weather we have been having here Yve!

evie winter said...

Hey Sis, Don't believe anyone who tells you its done nothing but rain - we have loads of sun too. THe rain is good for the grass being greeen and photos!