Wednesday 6 May 2009

Gone Again

And now the computer is more or less a write-off after catching a virus.... (swine flu perhaps?!)

Just under three months till we set off back home, as you can imagine I have started my countdown and begun my lists of things to do, things to take, places to visit etc etc. As you can also imagine, Bertie isn't giving it the slightest thought!

Another strike tomorrow...hold your breath!


evie winter said...

So sad to hear this. Whose computer are you on now? Is it worth emailing or do you rarely get chance to check? We are very excited about you coming home too! Joining in the countdown!

g'pa said...

Do you actually have a date - or an approximate one?

bachman said...

btw in case u didnt no ive sukkumbd to presher and produced another blog.

Anonymous said...

How frustrating.
Our computer's dying too! Got to install a new hard drive.
We are also looking forward to seeing you all again. But I just can't get over how fast this year has gone/is going!!
Love to you all
Yve x