Saturday, 4 April 2009

Bun Overload

I meant to put this in my last post and forgot, but Mum's post on LissaLou's birthday reminded me...

If you are a busy mum of three already overwhelmed with cooking, cleaning, caring for little ones etc, and (most importantly) you only own 10 very hard to clean bun holders, here is what not to bake for your eldest daughter's belated birthday celebration at school...

It seemed like such a good idea beforehand...but took all morning of slaving away, wasn't helped by me miscalculating the cake mixture and only making half the amount needed, and was only ready 3 seconds before LissaLou left for school in the afternoon! See, even the picture was taken in a hurry!

Next time I will make a cake.


Mum said...

You are so honest,Heather. I bet the children loved them and ate them all up.
Next time I would hope to do it for you ...
bet your house is 'out of a magazine' today.. have a lovely time with BF and family.

Hevs said...

Tee hee, how well you know me! My house is indeed sparkling, but a power cut last night meant a late night to get it like that..
I didn't get any back so i presume they were all eaten. It wouldnt have been a problem if i had had one of our bun tins, definitely a worthwhile kitchen item!

Mum said...

An electric mixer would also help... its hard work doing it all manually!

Becky said...

I think you did wonderfully - I bet the kids loved them too!