Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Out And About

As Bertie works from 8.30am till 2.30pm on Saturday, it is not the most relaxing of times for me! However, every now and then I organise myself and go out with the girls, and it is so much more enjoyable than just staying in.
Last Saturday we wandered along to the Post Office, where we found a queue of about 50 people, eek! Happily, a lady let us go to the express line and within a few minutes we had cashed our cheque and left. Apparently it is the Caf day, when all the benefits arrive.
We jumped out of our skins when Tatie Nadia drove past and beeped us, then bumped into her again down the road...and again in the fruit and veg shop...not in the boulangerie though, where they are currently out of wholemeal baguettes, pity.
There is a very different feel to our town centre on a Saturday, with lots of people around and lots of stalls selling things. I like Sunday best, when the town is peaceful and quiet and no cars and few people on the streets.
Last stop was the playpark. Well, everywhere else is busy and animated but here it is always empty! (Except last Sunday evening when the square was milling with people and children and someone had his rap music blaring at top volume out of his car!) The girls had a great time racing around - I have to chase then and say snap! or roooooooar! or even miaow! Today I was too hot for that so I left them to do it! Now Baby JoJo is getting bigger, he enjoyed sitting on the ground playing with the leaves and sticks he found. The girls spent a long time sitting in the little house chatting and laughing - I found out later they were saying "Totototoya!" to each other (their rendition of Toyota apparently!)

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