Then came the big occasion - JoJo's cake (you may notice a decided resemblence to LissaLou and CassCass' cake. You would not be mistaken!). He spent his time trying to catch it then the girls kindly blew out the candles for him before we all dug in. This was JoJo's first official slice of chocolate (or any!) cake and he relished every mouthful! Just look at him stuffing it in!

weight - 9.65 kilos
height - 77 cm
head - 47 (yes, they faithfully measure this every time in France! But what if there was a problem, how would you know? they asked me incredulously when I said back home this wasn't done after 6 weeks. What indeed?!)
Poor JoJo got his MMR and 2nd Hepatitis B jabs, both in the butt, so he was not a happy bunny. I think that he is up to date on all his jabs except the 2nd Pneumancocchal (Prevanar here) which I want to do back home as here we would have to pay for it.
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