Sorry for the delay in the next installment of my Peeking at Pika series - I can only put it down to having visitors here!
C is finally for (Pomme or Prune) Cythere Site Ambarella
An interesting part of preparing these posts is finding all the english names for fruits and vegetables I only know in French. It turns out the cythere has many many names, including Otaheite apple, Golden apple and Tahitian Apple or Quince, so take your pick for your favourite one!
There are many fruits here which are "Pomme something" including maracudja, mango, callebasse, cannelle and even pomme de terre comes to mind. What is it with the word apple that it is applied so liberally, I wonder...
Cythere season was during the couple of months before Christmas, when we had them in abundance and enjoyed a cythere (or two or three) a day. They were very welcome as no other fruits were available. Now we have one every now and then.
We have three trees I think and they are so tall, it is rather hard to see the top where all the fruit is. As a result, it is not a fruit that you pick - you have to wait for the it to fall first!
Good for you
There is not an abundance of information on the cythere but it seems to contain iron, calcium and vitamin C too.
Sources: wikipedia
I hadn't seen it called quince and its definitely not the quince that grows around us in London- although maybe I need a closer look at that
You say finally - does that mean you've thought of a 'd'
I cant wait to see...
It is actually tahitian quince i think - check wiki to see. No ds i am afraid so will be skipping over to e or f!
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