CassCass and LissaLou love playing with their cousin, who is very kind and always patient with them, despite the difference in age.

She is very creative and produced this...well, I am not quite sure what it is!

Mamie hard at work shelling peas she has grown in her garden

The girls also love their older cousin, and will pop next-door to visit her - and watch her tv if I have refused to put it on upstairs!

Not the best of photos but I love this shot of daily life - the girls and their cousin watching their new Vegetales dvd, me in the background tidying, and Baby JoJo exploring the world, and his sisters' toys

Siesta time! Generally CassCass will only sleep if I do, and LissaLou very rarely will.

Baby JoJo in his favourite position!

We just couldn't get CassCass to smile, ah well!

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