Mum spent hours uploading photos to photobox to bring the next blog entries to you - thanks Mum! Your effort is worthwhile!
Here is a glimpse into her fortnight stay here...
This is our house - I am at the gate talking to a neighbour who also goes to both our churches (!) We have the part upstairs - the right window is our bedroom, the middle is our living room/guest room where mum slept, and the left is just a random hall. See those stairs on the left? Everyday I lug the lunch up and down these stairs to eat...

...outside! See the lovely table cloth? Mamie got that recently for this table and it adds brightness to our day. See the plastic cups? I had to start using these after we broke a total of 6 glasses! I think we are eating
court bouillon (fish in tomato sauce) and
racines (root veg like banana, sweet potato, breadfruit). Oh, and the bottle of juice is homemade passion fruit juice. All courtesy of my MIL!

This is how LissaLou pretty much spent Mum's stay! Mum came armed with plenty of crafts and this Peppa Pig book amongst many things brought lots of pleasure. LissaLou just kept on and on and on...

...but Mum didn't always! This was past 8pm and the jetlag/early mornings had caught up on her. I thought LissaLou had gone to bed, but here she was cheerful as anything, colouring away!
Oh Heather! How could you put that last photo on your blog- show respect to your mother!!!
This evening I put 'Exo qu'il en soit ainsi' into google and enjoyed listening to it on etc
I am still walking 6 feet above ground with the pleasure of such a lovely time as I had!
I have the utmost respect for you, honest...!
Lovely to see such happy photos! I am on your Mum's social group on UKScrappers and followed her trip to you with fascination. I look forward to seeing more lovely photos!
you are mean heather :)
Thanks for stopping by Becky, lovely to know you enjoyed visiting the blog!
Mean, moi?!
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