Oh this boy loves his food! Aside from the four basic milk feeds a day, he is stuffing his face with anything he is offered, good boy! Weetabix for breakfast, thanks Mum! Plenty of banana and he will try any other fruit going - carambole, cythere, orange, goyave, maracudja... He is now able to eat less pureed things like pasta and diced veg. Next step is self feeding, which I have to admit I am avoiding somewhat as I can't face even more mess! (You would too if your child ate half his meals in your bedroom!)
Still an ever so cheerful, sociable baby, Baby JoJo's favourite person outside the immediate family is undoubtedly his Papy, who spends long periods singing to him, bouncing him, chatting to him in creole (he is determined that Baby JoJo will be speaking it before leaving!) and starting him walking. Papy has been responsible for most the kids here learning to walk apparently. I can see why, he well understands the principle of effort and reward, giving JoJo some treat or other that his mother would undoubtedly not approve of (cake?!!) for all his work!This look just says it all!
The girls can be a bit rough with the poor wee thing, so we await the day he takes his revenge. I think they have totally forgotten the fact that he is still relatively fragile! He loves watching them though, and will turn half way round in his chair to see whatever they are up to.
Oh, and his eyes are still blue! Will it last...?
Lovely! been waiting for these all day!
had a nice visit to Ilford this afternoon.
BF was making a necklace for Lissa lou - she got beads for her birthday.
Slept till 7.30am today...still feel jetlagged sometimes.
Got a very warm welcome at church this am! Which one did you go to?
Oh good! Don't worry, I have jetlag too...or else the desire to sleep in till 7.30 is perfectly normal!
Back to the Bourg this week, nice and close!
Its so great baby jo-jo's getting this bonding time with his Papy! Looking good... no more friday temps? Yve x
Praise God, the Friday fever appears to have disappeared!No more vaccinations till the mmr either so that helps.
Oh Heather, He is so adorable. Give him a big squeeze for me.
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