After church, we returned for our Family Party, unofficially for my birthday, though I have to admit it seems so long ago now! Bertie's nephew William had very kindly made another beautiful flower arrangement for me, with paper mache flowers in a jar full of sand and painted in bold stripes. In addition, Stella, probably the world's sweetest niece, has taken to bringing little bouquets of wild flowers. Interestingly, they are displayed in a little tube which is used to pump excess bogie (sorry, couldn't think of a polite way to say it!) from childrens' noses! However, I hate doing that so it is never used for that purpose and this in no way detracts from the beauty of the arrangement! So the house is full of flowers, bliss!
Our party went very pleasantly. Bertie's sister Felicianne made two quiches, and his SIL Morette made another one. His mum made rice and peas, and a chicken dish, and his sister Nadia made dombrey with crab and probably another quiche. (They are very big on quiche here!) We provided the juice so Bertie made jus de goyave, jus de maracudja and panache. Further to my baking lessons a couple of weekends back, I made some petits pains and some cinnammon buns, which came out okay (well, a little burnt, surprise surprise!) but I could definitely do with more practice! Then there were two cakes also made by Felicianne and some ice cream. Oh, were we full at the end!
The girls had a wonderful time playing with their cousins. At one point I came across LissaLou and Raisa in bed snoring, before LissaLou said "Il faut se reveiller, on va aller au travail"! CassCass spent her time comforting her little cousin Meddy who is going through the terrible two stage. I think she has an afinity with his tears and tantrums!
We finished with a few games of Mille Bornes, which I would highly recommend. As the title suggests, you have to get up to 1000 kilometres whilst giving your opponments crashes and punctures etc. Stella and I were battling it out at 950km when suddenly Bertie, who had been very slow off the mark (I think he waited 10 turns for a green light) pipped us to the post! Arghh!
We are still finishing off the leftovers and Bertie is now preparing his golf bag as tomorrow is the Big Day...first time on a Caribbean golf course!
Indeed the first time "si Dieu le veut"! Everything is already in the boot. Need to wake up early tomorrow to hit the fairways. I haven't played in months so it should be interesting to see how it goes in the heat and the wind blowing from the Atlantic Ocean, not the Caribbean Sea.
I haven't mentionned it to many people as golf here is considered even more elitist than in England!But I'm planning to invite some members of the family...that will be fun!
The benefits of spiders become ovbious!
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