Monday, 13 October 2008

If I Had My Camera...

I would have taken a picture of...

LissaLou wearing a cardigan and pulling our huge suitcase telling me she was off to see her BF in England
CassCass wearing her fairy dress for church today - I was a bit concerned people wouldn't approve but she got so many compliments!
Baby JoJo sitting in his Bumbo stuffing his face - he has tasted lentils and baby pasta for the first time this week and loved them both.
Baby JoJo climbing out of his Bumbo, being caught by his mum seconds from impact! Time to get a highchair...
Me getting a lesson in preparing fish from my MIL. She buys it whole, then takes off all the scales, cuts it open and removes the guts (in true Heather style I commented that I didn't realised fish had guts! As ever, I plead my ignorance on my London upbringing!) and it was quite a sight to see me trying to imitate her! She was the height of patience with my fumbled attempts though. Personally, I think I would abandon frugality and pay the extra €2 to have the fish person do it!
The delicious gateau au yaourt et citron I made, which sadly burnt to smithereens! I am constantly asking Bertie if the burning smell is from us or the in-laws, and as it is generally from them, I have given up asking. Unfortunately this time it was us! I will have to adjust to a far hotter oven (is it affected by the outside temperature?)
The temperature outside the Town Hall today saying 18 degrees! And they call this the Caribbean?!


Anonymous said...

It's a different kind of 18 degrees. Hard to describe it but we like it because we are not all sweaty and it feels good not to have to worry about the heat. I had completely forgotten that the thermometer could go down that low here.

Anonymous said...

Did the burnt citron cake have candles in it?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Have I got the right day... I'm not usually the first at these things!)

Missus Wookie said...

Just saw your Mum's blog - Happy Birthday. Hope you get an unburnt cake :)

Hevs said...

Thanks folks! Just bought the candles this morning, so I am hoping Bertie will produce something to put them on...He never lets things burn! (But his mum just burnt a coconut cake!)

Anonymous said...

In my own blogs I go back only as far as blogs on the one page and not look at 'older blogs'. On yours I go further back only if there is something I particularly wondered if you had commented on a comment -like the one about the book. So thank you for the comment. But as for writing tips, well I hardly qualify, no more does Dunadan since we are both unpublished writers. Then again he reviews books and films so well he has a great store of experience of others' writings. Though, having said that, it has never been common for critics on anything to actually do the job thermselves - presumably because they couldn't take the criticism!