I took so many photos of them enjoying time with their cousins yesterday, it is rather frustrating not being able to blog them yet. Bertie says he will sort out some internet access for me soon(wireless??!).
The kids here are wonderfully creative and the two front yards mean that they have lots of space to put to good use. Today LissaLou is playing with her older cousins, Stella and Delphine, who have made a playhouse out of an old bed that had been chucked out. CassCass spent the morning pushing Baby Luke around in the buggy. He was wearing the same outfit as Baby JoJo and you should have seen the shocked faces of all who passed as they thought we were letting her bump Baby JoJo around!
I had a shock this morning as I discovered LissaLou's new school starts at...8am! Ugh! We will have to keep on with this getting up early lark! She will come back at 11 or so for lunch and then goes back at 2pm till 4.30pm. I asked when I would get the letter saying when she starts school etc, but apparently such information is given out on the radio! But what about all those poor unfortunates such as myself who don't listen to the radio? Speaking of which, the radio really is an integral part of the community here. They have a period each morning and afternoon where they announce all the recent deaths plus every member of the family of that person (can take a while!). I just checked with Bertie and strangely they don't announce the births and marriages.
The girls and I are being ferociously bitten but the boys are somehow avoiding it. Do they have a special boy immunity?
Bertie's sister has a roof made of corrugated steel and when the rain falls (as it is right now) it sounds like an army is approaching! We are hoping to go to the supermarket later but as there is no car available, I think it might be a rather wet affair.