To celebrate the **th birthday of our dear Mother, we managed to pull ourselves away from the thrilling Federer - Nadal match for long enough to sing happy birthday and eat cake. Actually, it was during the rain break so no conflict of loyalty there.
Here is the family about to sing - not quite worked out the lighting effect on picasa!

Look, you can see who went in ahead at the rain break! Stop smiling Nadal Fan!

Thanks to Dad for this new talent he is developing

What a thing to during your birthday sing-along! In her defence, it was sister Evs on the phone from South Africa, joining in the singing too! Nice to have her present in voice, if not body.

The girls are always happy to help out with candle blowing

To while away the rain break, Uncle MJM kindly read to LissaLou, though his accuracy in conveying the author's original plot left much to be desired...

And in addition he tolerated CassCass bouncing up and down on his knees - we could all do with an Uncle like that!

Ah, the Birthday Girl herself.

And of course, we went home to listen out the rest of the match and hear Nadal pip Federer to the post. Sniff. On the good side, in his joy at the result, Bertie kindly overlooked our bet and cooked for me the following night!
Mine was a creative translation of the text!
BTW: I like the reference to Mum's **th birthday. It reminds me of Jane Austin's references to the ---shire regiments in her books.
At least she's only put 2 stars...
Thank you for celebrating my birthday so nicely in Blogland!
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