Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Thank You Thank You Thank You!

This is a message of thanks to those marvellous members of my family (you know who you are!) who made my day, no week, no year! and sent me over an ipod nano for my birthday! Sigh, such joy!! What a marvellous surprise, and I will therefore forgive you of all the mean Spurs jokes you have been making. Watch out, we are on our way back up...

I will also hold you same people responsible for the fact that I am up at 1.15am acquainting myself with iTunes and having a great time downloading songs - I shall no doubt regret it tomorrow morning!

In fact, this very morning I said to Bertie that I missed having music on, especially doing the cleaning, as our computer decided not to play CDs (only DVDs for some strange reason) a couple of weeks into our stay here. I am so glad that will no longer be the case! However, I will have to go to my niece and ask her if and how to download all the songs from my CDs to the ipod. Being the technically savvy person she is, I am sure this won't be a problem.

So today's question - what was the first song you put on your ipod? Mine runs as such...
Michael W Smith - You are Holy and Never Been Unloved (highly recommend these two, you can find them both on YouTube too)
Tim Hughes - God of Justice
Now I shall have to decide how many songs to limit myself to each month in the interests of frugality and budgeting!


Ousizch said...

Today you can promote your blog to my readers..... It's better than exchange link!!

visit and browse here:

evie winter said...

you have been spammed it seems!!
Delete the comment above mine...
I'll send you an email about the joys of Ipods :):)

Missus Wookie said...

If you put your CD into the computer iTunes should just nab all the files. Well that happens with ours anyhow :)

So glad you've got an iPod, music does make the cleaning go faster!

Have a great visit with your Mum.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I can't remember the first song I put on my IPod. Probably the soundtrack to Alexander! If Michael Smith had written a song for it he would have called it "You are a god and have never been beaten (in war)"!

Hevs said...

Er, how do I delete comments? Ever the novice...