We very much enjoyed our experience of the new Eurostar - St Pancras is a fantastic station and the train journey so speedy and smooth. Was that a good plug from a former employee?! The girls behaved pretty well except for running through security without us and tiredness began to set in when we arrived. Mum brought lots of fantastic things to keep them entertained and it did the job. As I tried to remember the name of the station where Bertie's SIL lived, hey presto! there she was to meet us! A very pleasant surprise.
We have just waved farewell to Mum and are enjoying the delights of semi-rural France! So nice not to be packing and rushing anymore! Well, till Monday anyway...
Photos will happen when I get my computer working.
We wish you all the best on your journey and hope the travel goes well and all the little ones are fine. We will be thinking about you as you settle down to your new life and new experiences - enjoy them! Will look forward to hearing news from you in due course.
Love from Pam and Tom
It's taken me two hours to do my latest blog, coping with self-inflicted errors. How do you manage so many? And you managed one even on the very last day, while all around was mayhem- or was that Julyhem.? It was lovely to see Mum come through arrivals with a beaming it's-lovely-to-see-you smile. Then I discovered it was the result of the red wine and the champagne and a lovely first class meal! She certainly enjoyed her surprise!!
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