On 16th May Baby JoJo celebrated two months - already! Time really is flying past! As you can see he is leaving baby Luke far behind.

I do my best to keep him on a three hour feed pattern during the day - it doesn't always happen. He still loves his sleep, and will get as much of it as he can, but you can be sure that he will be awake in the afternoon just when CassCass goes down for her sleep, foiling all my attempts to get some sleep too... He is probably most agitated in the evenings when he rarely sleeps and usually feeds lots. His nights are going well - he only wakes up once as a rule, and the last few nights has slept 6-7 hours in a row. Roll on sleeping through the night! (Which I am still hoping for before we leave for Guadeloupe).
He feeds well but is still such a sicky baby. Never hold him without a cloth!

He loves lying kicking on his mat and sitting in his chair watching the world go by. The girls do a great job of looking after to him, singing him songs and lullabies, chatting to him, showing him things... I love the eye to eye interaction in this photo, as he listens intently to Big Sister's words of wisdom.

He had his first set of immunisations this week and caused the nurse great concern as he frothed at the mouth afterwards. Completely normal behaviour I assured her! He has now caught yet another cold, poor boy. Hope it clears up soon. Despite such ailments he is a wonderfully smiley boy, especially if you sing his favourite song "Little Green Frog". I can't reproduce it here, but it requires sticking out your tongue like a frog catching flies!

In the 2nd picture of this post, is JoJo wearing MC Hammer trousers?!
I think they are the same type....rapper style in the place to B. Soon he'll be preaching like the MC does.
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