Farms are great places to take small children; this time we met up with some friends just off the M1, very convenient as they came south and we went north. It was pretty chilly and a bit rainy, but we enjoyed the day greatly. Here is the gang:

Next stop was the playpark where there was great merriment and exertion - and that was just the dads!

This farm was much more hands on, and whilst we missed the sheepdog and bunny demos, the girls got to groom a pony, feed a lamb and milk a cow. Unfortunately, CassCass was so terrified by the noise, she didn't manage the cow and eventually didn't even want to be in the same barn as the animals!

The look of concentration was justified - these lambs sucked so ferociously that if you eased up for a second, the bottle was gone!

CassCass lost her bottle approximately one second after this photo!

Can you see the milk?!

A few of the animals - baby lambs all piled up on each other, so cute!

Now when I am feeding Baby JoJo I am thankful I am not a pig...

It's Hamish the Highland Coo! (see
here if you don't have this in your library!)

Daddy and one worried little girl!

Okay, enough of the animals said CassCass, and off we went to the indoor playpark. Crazeeeee! LissaLou whizzed up and down on the slides, and CassCass even tried them out (including one pretty steep one) before having a meltdown. We mums enjoyed a cuppa before the dads went off from some crazy golf (Bertie lost - evidently all the skills he has honed on the golf course aren't transferable!), leaving us in charge of four children - how glad we were when they returned! I mostly videoed this part of the day but I haven't worked out how to put them on the blog. Don't they take ages for people to download too?
Finally, a trip to the shop, where CassCass appropriately purchased a sheep and a cow, and LissaLou typically purchased a Princess wand and tiara!
I never realised that Hamie was a literary star!
Glad you are back online, woohoo!!!! I think you could defeinitely upload your video to google photos - that works. Do you upload any f the others? If so can you send me the password, I would love to see the large versions as not all images let you click on the, for some reason. thanks! EVie
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