As temperatures soared, Wednesday saw CassCass, Baby JoJo and I head off to the Heath to meet Mum. With three children it has become increasingly difficult to give them all attention. LissaLou had my undivided attention for two years, and Baby JoJo gets a lot of it now, thanks to the regular feeds, but I think CassCass has seen a bit less of me, and has definitely become Daddy's girl! So it was nice to have Mum to look after Baby JoJo whilst I got to run after CassCass, no mean feat given her speed and the heat! We started in the playpark, then lunched in the small park. CassCass ran around with her sandwich (the girl can seriously not keep still!) - here she is before she started stripping off, something she does regularly now! Luckily we convinced her to keep her top and nappy on!

We then headed up Parliament Hill - it seemed like a crazy idea in the boiling lunchtime sun but actually turned out to be cooler and breezier up there! It can be so easy to say "no" or "wait a minute" or "later" to the girls, so I have to remind myself to say "yes" to their requests more often - whilst I have the opportunity! So when CassCass pointed down the hill and asked if she could run there, I immediately thought, no! I'll have to follow you, we'll have to walk all the way back up again...etc. However, Mum kindly stayed with the buggy and instead I said yes and off we went for a very pleasant few minutes together. As you can see from the small dot on the picture, she went a lot quicker than me! She fell over a couple of times but got up laughing.

I finally caught her up and tried to persuade her back up the hill again - somewhat unsuccessfully! Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, so we stayed and looked at molehills and buttercups and I watched her run around barefoot in the long grass.

A figure waved at us from up the top, and I eventually realised it was Mum, so we set off back up (fortunately not all the way to the top!) to join her.

I got lots more photos on Mum's camera, perhaps she will be kind enough to put them on facebook for viewing? We got held up en route by CassCass finding a muddy pool which she stood carefully dipping a stick into for a very long time. Despite the dire predictions of a passing gentleman, she didn't fall in! Finally I had to tempt her into the buggy to get us home for Baby JoJo's next feed. Great morning out.
1 comment:
She'll do wonders for your fitness...
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