Saturday saw us set off to sunny Essex for a visit to a farm, which turned out to be a paradisical place for the girls and their friends who met us there. We took Grandma with us and so had to convert the car (Peugeot 307, for all those interested, wonderful make and highly recommended!) into Princess Seat mode (basically, the girls get their car seats put in the two extra seats at the boot, and the title seems to reconcile them to this situation quite happily!). Here they are full of energy and smiles and bursting to go...

These give you an idea of the fun they had, read on below for the more detailed account!

A bit like I imagine the bicycle situation in Paris to be, where you pick one up and drop it off wherever you fancy, the farm had green cars all around, which CassCass took great pleasure in getting on and getting off as suited her needs...
Baby JoJo happily slept wherever he was put, in this case on Grandma's knee with her coat shading him from the hot hot sun (of course, BBC 5 day forecast had been saying rain all week, so the sun came as a lovely surprise!)
We've never seen a bouncy pillow before, so the girls and Bertie launched themselves on joyfully...
...whilst in a rare moment of wakefulness, Baby JoJo had a lovely time kicking away on the mat
The bouncy pillow is surrounded by sand, no idea what the girls were making though!
And eventually, after all their effort, LissaLou and her Best Friend had a well-earned nap, whilst CassCass played with her hero, Thomas!
After all that, it was time for ice creams and tea & cake, depending on your age and preference! We were fortunate to have my very canny friend with us, who worked out that buying a whole cake from the tea shop was way cheaper than getting slices!

Next stop was the little train, advertised as a journey of 8 minutes, which consisted of...going along the track; stopping and watching the driver take the engine back to the other end of the train; going back along the track to the start. Okay. Not the most thrilling journey ever but the girls loved it.

And don't they look gorgeous?

To end the day, a few group photos next to the farm craft village (great for scrapbookers!)
Our family

Our friends - with a couple of additions!

A moment of peace amongst the madness!

Everyone (except the photographer)

Well, after all that, how could they do anything else but this on the way home? (Actually, LissaLou was just pretending!)

LissaLou begged all the way home for fish and chips, which she has taken a big liking to, so we picked some up and enjoyed them at home. CassCass was sufficiently rested to enjoy them too!Probably the most incredible part of the day for me was Baby JoJo then sleeping from 9pm till nearly 4am that night!!! Seven hours!!! Hasn't been repeated since, but it gives hope!
It was a lovely day at an interesting place ( with a cafe!) and good company so thanks for taking me. And special thanks to the driver and photographer.
sO WE'RE MAKING A REAL aNGLO OF aLYSSA WITH HER LIKING FOR f AND C - GOOD TO HEAR. mAY SHE NEVER LOSE THE TASTE. sTRANGE THOUGH HOW OFTEN THE F AND C SHOPS are USUALLY RUN BY NON-aNGLOS.Just seen I pressed the cap key but unlike normal I can't be bothered re-writing it.
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