Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Photos I Would Have Shown You

Well, I am not destined to have photos on this blog! Over a hundred sit on my SIL's camera and the USB port tells me it is malfunctioned so I can't upload them onto Picassa! Sigh...!

So I will have to describe them to you instead!

Sunday was Epiphanie which is very big here. Alberto's Grandmere used to hold a big party for it every year so Mamie did so this year (given that she wasn't here for Christmas and New Year only just). All the family came over and we had a delicious meal of salad and accras, bebele, and coq (fresh from Pika!) which had been cooking on and off since Friday! Delicious aromas kept coming upstairs, Bertie had to warn me not to go down in the night and steal a bit! Their door creaks so I would have been found out anyway... We also had our Galette des Rois - several in fact, including one made by my own dear husband which was most tasty. A lot of work went into making the pate feuillete at midnight the night before whilst he watched Godzilla and I browsed potential holiday homes for a possible family holiday back in the UK...

There were also lots of photos of Baby JoJo playing and standing and on one occasion eating a whole banana he found on the counter - and when I say whole, I mean peel too!

Other highlights were...

The girls making a car out of the sofa cushions...

...LissaLou's Barbie doll with her hair coiffed by the girls...

...CassCass in her bright outfit from Ghana...

....CassCass and Dora and Baby Joy enjoying a teaparty with Mummy this morning, then washing up and washing all the baby clothes (yup, messy play just like you suggested Mum! Though she got me to do most of it!)...

...Another teaparty this afternoon this time with LissaLou and Stella as well...

....Baby JoJo trying to hijack it and pouring all the juice on the floor...

....LissaLou reading her Alice au Pays des Merveilles from Tatie Nadia, again and again and again...

....Bertie cooking the fish they caught, with some help from CassCass...

...Baby JoJo so sweetly sleeping...

....Baby JoJo sitting with his tonton Luciano and cousin AnneG, giving each other kisses...

...LissaLou and CassCass with their shop outside Tatie Pierrettes's house, serving their loyal customers (Mummy and Papa)...

...Papa's horror at a bottle of Vita Malt costing €4 (LissaLou is getting into the Gwada way of pricing!)

....Bertie admiring his first green lettuce from Pika, yummy!

Plus two quotes:
LissaLou (serving me a cup of water and biscuits): is the tea yummy mummy?
Mummy (drinking): Umm, yes it is
LissaLou: Well it shouldn't be yummy, it's got soap in it!

Mummy (watching LissaLou eat her fish and salad): You know, that piece of fish used to be swimming in the sea
LissaLou (holding up a small white thing): you mean this piece?
Mummy: Yes
LissaLou: But it's a cucumber!

May I also share that I have started my pilates exercises using the Lindsey Jackson Pilates for Mums Dvd. And my body is aching. Aching I tell you!


Anonymous said...

In that case we admire your perseverance in completing this nice long blog!
Maybe I didn't give you enough opportunity for messy play when you were young!

Anonymous said...

I think God is trying to tell me something about Pilates DVDs.... That's the SECOND time someone talks about them today... or maybe it's just my guilty conscience!! :D I love reading your post Heather and thank you so much for your email - which I will respond to shortly. Julio and Latana are coming this weekend for their annual Verbier trip and we are very much looking forward to meeting Alytheia!
Much love to you all, h