CassCass is a bit harder to get to sit down for long, but we did an activity to do with circles and triangles - she knows both words but kept mixing the concept of shape up with that of colour.
We made some delicious buns for our day out, but I forgot to take a photo and they are all gone! We put cream cheese and icing sugar on the top then finished them off with hundreds and thousands and smarties, yum!
Yesterday I attacked a BIG project I have had in mind for months - sorting through Mamie's photos! It is such fun seeing all the family from years back but I needed a lot of help in correctly classing them. Now I am going to try and put them in date order and then I have to work out how to put them in albums. So Mum and Evs should be able to enjoy them when they arrive!
Another project I have in mind is writing a family tree - I sat down with Papy to do this in December but didn't get very far...some I didn't understand, others he had forgotten the names of. As he pointed out, he has been far too busy bringing up his own family to worry about the names of his nieces and nephews! I shall try Mamie instead. In fact I should have known to try her first of all, as isn't it always the woman who has the best grasp of such details....!
Now I am off to eat a sinobol that Bertie has kindly made.
Thats all very interesting- I look forward to the photos.
Make sure you get the names of both families working back as far as poss.
There must be an online souce for such sounds for Lissa Lou. I'll see if I can find it.If you like I could send some book rings which are easier to manipulate than keyrings.
Only on one concept at a time for CassCass- no point in confusing her. She's far too young to sit for more than 5mins doing something like that. Let her do one then run round the house befor she does another.
Where did you get the card for the little tags?
Thanks Mum I knew you'd have some helpful tips! I am not sure how far I will get back with the families - the added challenge is that the dads aren't always known. Perhaps we will find the graves tho.
Yes the site actually recommended book rings but we had to make do with waht we had. They would be great to have!
Oh we just go at CassCass' pace so no worries or pressure there. I am just getting her used to sitting and focusing a few mins at a time.
I cut up leftover card for the tags but I have drawn up a list of things to bring and coloured card is on it!
The coloured card was already on my list and I haave already got out my phonics book and a maths for 5-7 yr olds! But will look at online curriculum things.
Make sure that they have actual objects for counting etc not just pictures or words.
make everything a game especially for CassCass.
Does Cass Cass have 3 things to do then?
I knew you would ask that! No she doesn't have anything she has to do, as LissaLou didn't at that age. She does help me put the washing in the machine though and occasionally helps out with other things, but much less so than LissaLou did at that age. She is excellent at counting objects I discovered today whilst we played with Happyland.
I just tell LissaLou we are doing some school and she is perfectly happy as it is one of her favourite games anyway.
Looks like you should be giving me some pointers! Yve x
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