Saturday, 24 May 2008

Back Online!

How exciting, after 10 days, to finally be back online - with the purchase of a replacement modem from ebay, that wonderful source of just about everything! So much has been happening and so many blogs flying around in my head, let me try and catch up...

The timing for going offline was rather funny, as Bertie was just organising a 40 day prayer and fast at church. I excused myself from fasting on grounds of breastfeeding (either that or pregnancy has been my excuse for the past 5 years now!) and he suggested I found something to fast from. I vaguely considered fasting from the internet but concluded I couldn't possibly do that, then...hey presto, down it went! Sometimes God steps in...!

I had to find a way of filling these long evenings feeding Baby JoJo without a computer to entertain, so one night I fished out the instruction manuals for the camera Dad gave me and read through. Can't say I understood all that much, but I did pick up a few things, including how to do black and white - groovy!

I learnt how to take panoramic pictures which the camera then stiches together to produce one long uninterrupted picture but apparently you need software for this - any ideas where to find this?

On two nights I got active and did some pilates - with the girls accompanying me on one occasion. Feel better already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must have seen you a hundred times in that 10 days but Istill missed you being online! So glad to see you back.