Definite growth here! I am looking forward to finding out his weight at our 6 week check next Monday.

We aim to please on this blog, so any requests will be met where possible! (Although this doesn't stretch to adding more fur. Sorry Berry.) Just for Evs...

He is very alert and active now, and I am convinced that he smiles at me! (What mother isn't?!) Last night he celebrated his first month by sleeping for five hours in a row for the first time! Okay, so it was 7pm till midnight, we shall work on getting it to happen between midnight and 5am. But I slept that whole period (such early nights at the moment!) and was all the better for it! He is big enough for his sleeping bag now and enjoys bathtime with his sisters (brave boy!).
I can't believe how big he is, even in a week!
Evie his eyes are still quite blue even tho this photo looks more like cass cass'sd
You can really begin to see his personality! Still can't wait to meet him ...
Just an observation ... I think that you need to use commas between tags rather than semi-colons, otherwise you are going to get lots of long and complex tags down your left hand column rather than lots of short ones (Eg CassCass on her own rather than with other tags such as "journey"). Hope that helps!
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