Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Pretty In Pink

Seeing me collapsing under the weight of a heavy To-Do List, Mum kindly took things in hand and the girls are now fully prepared for the hot months ahead with some very pretty and (more importantly) very light dresses. Can anyone tell me what this style is called? Apparently it is very fashionable this summer!

Thanks to our models who kindly posed - can you believe CassCass actually stood still and faced the right way for the camera?! Wonders will never cease...

Well, even top models have to let their hair down occasionally!
I have been told before that the girls are tall, but it is a bit ridiculous sizing that LissaLou is wearing a 7 year old dress and CassCass size 4-5!


Anonymous said...

We always reckoned on clothes being for a child 2yrs older than one's own. But what lovely models they make and Joel too though he doesn't realise it, or does he...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful models indeed...and twins as well.What a natalian joy!They should do well with these dresses in the sun.