He still has this cold he has had since practically birth, and is constantly coughing, spluttering, snuffling, snoring and generally sounding most pitiful. He has failed two hearing tests on one side as a result, so we are off to the advanced test this week. His nose is often running, and in the footsteps of his sisters, he is a most sicky child. Hold him without a cloth at your peril! Because he is either full of cold or gas wanting to come up, he has been wanting to be held lots recently, which means that I have achieved very little, and can be a bit frustrating. Hopefully we can tempt him back onto his playmat and into his chair soon.
In those rare moments when he is awake, he loves to gaze adoringly into his mother's eyes (or whoever else happens to be around!) and every now and then bestow a sweet smile on her, at which her heart melts and she forgets the night wakings, and all the other downsides of newborn days!
The smiley photos are cute. The set of his mouth seems to be in the order of 'I know I am gorgeous to you Mummy, and I'm going to play it for all it's worth because it is just great to lie here and have you run around everywhere for me, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can.'
He looks lovely! Can't wait to finally meet him ... maybe next weekend?!
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