Monday, 7 April 2008

Meet The Family

After all the excitement of the snow yesterday, we managed to get ourselves to the Parents to introduce JoJo to his Uncle MJM (whose fine blog can be found here and who kindly introduced me to tracksy so I can gloat over the number of visitors and try and guess who they could possibly be! Do give me a hand and leave a comment!!) and my Uncle and Aunt over from Canada (yes, they are the guilty party, THEY brought the snow! But kind folk that they are, they brought the girls the proper clothing for it, Canadian style!). Of course, in true JoJo behaviour, he pretty much slept through the whole affair. We almost didn't have any photos as CassCass hid the camera and conveniently forgot where, luckily it turned up again after half an hour of searching!

Thanks to the Parents for hosting us and a jolly fine roast lamb - not to mention somehow squeezing us all around the table! Thanks also to LissaLou and Cousin Oscar for their joint attempt at an apple crumble, umm!
PS Evs I hope these are all close enough for you!


evie winter said...

Superb photos, that last one makes me feel home sick though!

Anonymous said...

Moo! Hallo from Dorset! It is very exciting to discover another new blog by a member of the dĂșnadan's family. We have two computers in the Wood - one owned by Jenny Wren who knows Everyone There Is To Know and the Learned Owl, to teach his son the Learning Owlet. In return for teaching them things, they let me use their computer!

Love from Gerrie Cow.

Anonymous said...

Hallooooooooo! Thiz iss LEarning Owwlet! Gerre forkot tosay that I am her Agent! Its true! Ever sinse BBC Dorset write to us!

Must go now- mummy owl thinks I am studying which mice it izz safe two eat!

Learnin Owllet

(age 2 munths)

Anonymous said...

Have you seen one of my shells? We fired the howitzer eastwards and seem to have lost the shell!

Tecumseh Squirrel

Anonymous said...

It landed on my crate of cider! Grrrrrr!

Hevs said...

Hello Gerrie, lovely to have you here but do keep those friends of yours under control! No Howitzers or Stick Grenades here please!