Tuesday, 15 April 2008

This Spring's Fashions...

...are being modelled for us by Master JoJo.
This cardigan, made by Mum 4 years ago, has already been put to good use on LissaLou and CassCass. And a beautiful blue top most impressively handknitted by Judith. The bootees come courtesy of Ingrid, and stay on nicely.
And just to show he doesn't spend all his life in his basket, here he was this morning happily kicking and gurgling away while we ate our breakfast.


evie winter said...

Very good! I especially like the second one! He looks older already! Can you get me a closer up of his face s'il vous plait?

Anonymous said...

He needs more fur.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos - he is growing so fast! I am so glad the jumper fits him. Love Judith

bachman said...

I didn't know you could knit or for MUM do we read Grandmum, or am I plain higgerant?!

Hevs said...

Me, knit? Unlikely!! No it is indeed your own GL!
Close up coming for you Evs.
Yes it fits nicely Judith! We are just waiting for his feet to catch up to put on the booties!
Fur??? We are moving to the Caribbean not the North Pole Berry!