Today we hosted our church's monthly Leaders' lunch & meeting. Our flat was spick and span for the first time in a while and Bertie cooked us a delicious Caribbean feast of accra and colombo and pear coulis. The girls enjoyed a day with their Grandparents (thanks again!) and Baby JoJo enjoyed having everyone's sole attention.
He and Bertie was exhausted at the end of it

A most intereresting blog. You have someone who appears about to undo his shirt -"see my hairy chest?" (if CassCass had been around it would have been another garment...)an apparently ridiculously slim expectant Latania, a very serious -looking leader in the midst of gaiety, a you-say-he's-tired but JoJo has more a 'not-another photo- of me expression, and finally a menu lisiting a mere three items two of which are capital cities.
I think i shall leave the text to you in the future - what a great precis! They arent the most formal of photos that's for sure!
I forgot to say that your title just looked and sounded like an acrostic - you know, like 'richard of york gave battle in vain' for the colours of the rainbow. No, keep with the text - I feed on your stimulus!!
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