The internet has been working fine but I haven't managed to blog this week, mostly due to being very busy with several evenings where we got home late and Mum lending me a long novel, which I of course just
had to finish! The end of the week was spent cleaning the flat ready for our Church Leaders' meeting today. Here are the highlights of the week:
Last Saturday Bertie made us a lovely BBQ which we took along to our favourite spot in our local park. As ever, the girls (especially CassCass) were running all over the place so Bertie spent his time chasing after them and I had the pleasure of Baby JoJo's company.

Sunday and Monday were chill out days then Tuesday was Appointment day, as I had the pleasure of finding out my eyesight had improved at the opticians (apparently this is a side-effect of pregnancy?) and waiting over an hour at the dentist to discover he couldn't do anything for me as I have the most painful cold sore (sympathy please!), so back again in two weeks.
Wednesday Bertie and I dropped the girls at the Grandparents and set off to the countryside with Baby JoJo. Then on Thursday it was our return visit to the French Consulate to pick up the kids' passports. It felt very strange looking at them and seeing "Nationalité: Francaise"!!! After the embassy, it was back to Kensington Gardens, but unfortunately the heavens opened and cut short our stay. LissaLou insisted on having her ice lolly all the same and it was a funny sight seeing her shiver uncontrollably as she ate it! Here are some photos before the rain:
Is this a new way to make a sandcastle?
She has obviously been told to use her head!
Et voila!

Friday Bertie went golfing with the Senior Pastor whilst we had the pleasure of his wife's company. The girls enjoyed analysing the difference between her 30 weeks pregnant tummy and my 10 weeks postpregnant tummy! The guys managed to play 18 holes, then return and move furniture, before bringing us an Indian takeaway - not bad for a day's work! We only managed to bake (and eat) a banana cake! The Pastor treated us to some champagne (Moet & Chardon no less!) and I am wondering if that accounted for Baby JoJo sleeping solidly throughout the next day...?!

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