Wednesday saw LissaLou transformed into a true Island girl by her Tatie.

Plenty of patience was required as plait after plait was formed

Coming on nicely

Et voilĂ ! Nearly an hour later...

We hardly recognised her! She should be a lot cooler now and has received lots of compliments for her new look from the family.

No chance of CassCass sitting still that long so she will have to remain a wild child!
Wow, doesn't she look good!
To get our dd to sit still we offered videos and stories... and sometimes it took a couple of goes :lol:
Well done Lissalou! You look lovely. Can I put in a request for a photo with Mamie to match the one with Papy, please.
Well done Lissalou! You look lovely. Can I put in a request for a photo with Mamie to match the one with Papy, please.
Kudos Alyssa, what an amazing feat to sit for an hour and the result is fantastic. Alyssa really is a grown up girl now she can sit so long in the quest of vanity!
cooler in all senses of the word! :-)
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