Bertie risks life and limb to climb a rickety ladder in search of coconuts

Papy holds on tightly

Selecting the ones that are dry

Papy chops it open with his faithful machete

An avid audience

Reaping the rewards - Bertie drinks the refreshing coconut water

Then uses the chopped off section as a spoon to take out the jelly part

Hard at work

LissaLou and her Papy

Getting coconuts the easier way

Et voila!

that is one HUGE coconut! :-)
I love coconuts ... but I don't think I'd fancy climbing up there to get one! (I'm loving these photos, Hevs! Keep it up!)
lovely picture of LissaLou and Papy, not forgetting Hamy and his Caribbean Adventures.
How cool to see them all working so hard - glad the coconuts were a welcome reward.
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